Shrikhand is an Indian sweet dish made of strained Indian curd [Dahi [Hindi],Yogurt]. It is a popular dessert in Gujarat and Maharashtra. You can add mango to the curd to make Amrakhand, fruit medley to make Fruitkhand and so on.....

Dahi [Indian curd] or Yogurt - 2 cups
Mango pulp - 1/2 cup
Cardamon powder - 2 pods
Kesar [saffron] - dissolve few strings in milk
Sugar - 3-4 Tbsp or according to your taste
Nuts for garnishing [Almonds and pistachios]
Hang the curd overnight in the refrigerator in a cheese cloth [place a container underneath to collect water][ * make sure the yogurt/curd is not too sour, else you will need to add more sugar]
Next day remove the solid curd from the cheese cloth and mix mango pulp, sugar, kesar and cardamon powder. Mix it well with hands or spoon
Spoon the above mix in individual serving bowls or a big serving dish and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before you eat
This is my entry for the following events:

Dahi [Indian curd] or Yogurt - 2 cups
Mango pulp - 1/2 cup
Cardamon powder - 2 pods
Kesar [saffron] - dissolve few strings in milk
Sugar - 3-4 Tbsp or according to your taste
Nuts for garnishing [Almonds and pistachios]
Hang the curd overnight in the refrigerator in a cheese cloth [place a container underneath to collect water][ * make sure the yogurt/curd is not too sour, else you will need to add more sugar]
Next day remove the solid curd from the cheese cloth and mix mango pulp, sugar, kesar and cardamon powder. Mix it well with hands or spoon
Spoon the above mix in individual serving bowls or a big serving dish and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before you eat
This is my entry for the following events:

OMG! I need that right now.
looks yummyyy... lovely presentation..
You hot a lovley blog with wonderful recipes!!!
Usha Rao